This was a cake that I had on order a few week's ago for my sister-in-law's (read: my brother's girlfriend) grandpa's 75th birthday party! I've never had the chance to meet any of her family (except her LOVELY sister for 2 seconds in the middle of the winter at a gas station... It wasn't as sketchy as it sounds) and so not only was I asked to make the cake but I was getting to meet the people who are the reason why I love this gal sooooo much!
Anywhoo, when Taryn (that's her name!) asked me to do the cake, I was honoured and a little nervous. Then she asked if I could do the cake as a cupcake cake. Now, I'm not sure if you have ever seen a cupcake cake, so allow me to explain. It's a bunch of cupcakes that are all arranged closely together and then iced together so that they are one flat slab of cake. A perfect example of one can be found
here (gorgeously cute cake by the by). I've never made one before and I was nervous considering there were going to be a lot of people there (approximately 80) and that this was for her family! But I decided to proceed.
The decision was made that the cake would have a 1940s pin-up girl on it which brought on a whole other list of worries. How would I get a picture of the pin-up girl on the cake without making her look like an ape with boobies?!?!? Thankfully, my darling friend, Amanda, explained to me how she works through these things and told me about a local bakery that prints sugar sheets for you!
Anyway, here is the final result of the cupcake cake. The cupcakes are chocolate and vanilla. The cake was made of 20 standard sized cupcakes and 84 mini cupcakes.
I may or may not have an obsession with rows of cupcakes |
Un-iced grouping of cupcakes |
Iced as a whole cake :) |
The Birthday Boy who proceeded to sing happy birthday to his pin-up girl :) |
And now, because I can, here are some photos of the fam while we were up at the party! God, I love these people soooooo much!
My brother and I... there really can never be too much sibling time! EVER! |
Amy, Taryn, Me and Mum! |
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