Saturday, December 4, 2010

Cookies GALORE!

Happy December Everyone!

It seems that two years ago my Mum and I started a new tradition of baking cookies and giving them to guests who stop by during the holidays or as hostess gifts if we go to visit someone else's place. I very clearly remember there being a day of hell-ish baking when we baked all of the cookies all at once. Needless to say, by the end of the day of baking, I was THRILLED to see those cookies leave our house!

This year, I decided to get smart! I had a day where I was home alone and I was feeling my inner 'Martha/Julia' speak to me... they both said "Get a move on on those cookies now, sister! Roll and freeze em missy!". When those voices speak to you, you listen because THEY know best! And that's exactly what I did. I made a single batch of our favourite Christmas cookies, Robin Hood flour's Mayan Chocolate Sparklers, and a double batch of their Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookies too! I have made both of these cookies before and I love them both dearly! Both recipes are pretty simple  except that the Mayan Chocolate Sparklers are best done with a 5 year old or two helping you so that you don't have to do all of the rolling of cookies on your own. BUT alas, I flew solo on this mission. 

For the Mayan Chocolate Sparklers, I creamed together the butter and shortening...

And then added some sugar (both brown and white) and some eggs...

Then added some flour, cocoa powder, cayenne pepper, black pepper, cinnamon. Mix until it comes together (I promise it will come together!!!!! If it doesn't, you probably forgot to add the eggs...not that I've done that in the past or anything...... dum dee dum)!

And then stir in some delicious chocolate chips...

Now here comes the fun part. DO NOT do this in the kitchen as you will be bored to tears (unless you have a friend to chat with). I set up camp in my living room with a baking sheet, a mini ice cream scooper, and a bowl with cinnamon sugar. Scoop your batter and then roll it in cinnamon sugar and place it on your cookie sheet. Repeat 35000000 times and then you're done :) This is the point where I threw my cookie sheet in the freezer for about 20 minutes so that the cookies could freeze hard enough to be put in a plastic bag until I was ready to bake them off. Here they are, fresh from the freezer...

As for the chocolate chip cookies, I also positioned myself in the living room and just attacked the double batch the same way I did the Mayan Chocolate Sparklers. Look at em go! 

Since I am on a cookie mission at the moment, I will post some more cookies as they happen in my house. I hope you all are having a WONDERFUL Saturday afternoon and that you're not all stressed out about the holidays! 

Happy Ho Ho! 


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